Sunday, March 30, 2014

New Creations on the Horizon, as well as weekend relaxation

It's official, I've caved to make new products for Gothyrotica.

I've got 2 pairs of jeans, blue and black, coming out with 2 different belts, regular black leather and studded.

They will be called my Gatling jeans. Coming with the jeans will be 6 versions of the next group of products, the Hung low-cut boxer briefs set. I know that it's all about mesh nowadays, but I still prefer the baked on boxers, can wear them with anything.

Shortly after will follow the Spectacles series, which are glasses.. Plenty of work. Time for some pictures.

The jeans are the black version of the Gatling jeans. I will make an official post when they are available in-world and on the Marketplace.

Next, Wenz and I have finally moved into our full homestead sim, and we've got the majority of it situated. So of course we relaxed lake-side. Was really nice.

Wednesday, March 26, 2014


Just an announcement that I will be releasing a few things for Gothyrotica, and then I will be taking a hiatus.

Also, in other news. Wenz and I now own a full homestead sim. Time to resituate DeMorgue Manor and to finally have the ability to do anything. Should be a fun time.

Sunday, March 23, 2014

New Update as of 3/24

Due to real life and other things, I won't be participating in 100 Block this year, I hope to maybe be able to participate in Thrift Shop in June.

I won't be placing pictures in this blogpost, mainly because I'm tired and lazy and barely awake at this moment.

But basically, I've been working on my sim, fighting zombies with the Grim Combat whatsits and working on my Freakshow Bar and Lounge. We're planning an event soon, well, my managers are and that's about it. Finally got my traffic on my sim to level out between 12,000-14,000 daily, which I'd say is damn good and very decent. Still have a few shops left and 4 rentable 2 story lofts left as well. I'm sure they'll not be vacant long, though I can't be sure. Tables turn so easily.

I lied, I'm posting one picture and that's of how I've been dressed. Been kind of addicted to how my avatar looks. Nothing wrong with narcissism. Also, a picture of my wife. Feast on and behold the beauty and glory. Jealousy is best worn with an uncomfortable smile.

Sunday, March 9, 2014

NekoZone Work and then... Mancave Time

I went to NekoZone, the sim I co-own with Fox, where my revenue is generated from rentals, did some minor work and tweaking. Then got my haircut and chilled out at Wenz' and my home in my Mancave. Been an interesting day to say the least.

Love the new jeans from Kal Rau and Vest from ISON (TMD March)

Thursday, March 6, 2014

Romantic relaxation

After a lot of hard work on Second Life and IMVU lately. Wenz and I now have time to do things and relax together. :)

We had a nice romantic evening dancing. Been very nice.

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Some fun. Weirdness.

Just some pictures of Wenz and I being weird tonight. Not that kind of weird, people >.> The traditional kind.