Wenz and I have been very busy with many aspects of Second Life as of recent, and the more that I look at things, the more I'm seeing a huge mile long listed agenda of to-dos rather than things that can be placed in the "Done" pile.
We had owned half of the homestead sim "Wolverine Lake" and had a nice house with a big forest, waterfall, etc. We've cleared that out and instead of having the DeMorgue Residence, it will be something else. One of the neighbors moved out so I purchased his 1/4 of the sim, so now we have 3/4 of the sim with a area of 50,000 sq.m. This will be DeMorgue Manor. ZoHa Islands has been more than courteous with us and it's been very cool and highly appreciated. Finished working on a few things for the Gothyrotica Mainstore and Marketplace Store, 1 piece is already finished and released in-world, once the other is released, I'll put them both in the marketplace and make a blog post about it, because I'm that awesome... I know right, my excitement knows no bounds either.
After all that, Fox and I are looking to re-do the NekoZone sim. See if we can change the traffic from 14,000 up to something higher and more unnecessarily drastic. We're keeping it futuristic, sci-fi, urban and grunge, but we're going to hit it with a bit more of a cyberpunk-ish vibe. Possibly a roleplay group and whatever else, since people say "That's dat shit I do like".
And on top of all of that, I have to continue building on the Access program for my real life job. Being a VBA programmer is a demanding and pain in the ass job, but pays decently. At least, so I've been told.
Well, that's all for this post, my train of thought is leaving me increasingly upon completion of each word. Take care.